Project: Clown doctors
What we do

Doctores Alegridosis (Clown Doctors) project of UMSA against cancer program is a group of volunteers dedicated to provide laughter therapy for hospitalized patients, with special attention to the oncology area. They support cancer prevention activities, provide accompaniment and joy to patients, generating an environment of wellbeing inside and outside the hospitals. Their main activities are:
– Hospital visits
– Visits to shelters and nursing homes
– Information and awareness campaigns through fairs and talks.
– Training and workshops in integrative therapies

To promote integrative therapies in oncology patients, family members and health staff, generating wellness environments for prevention, adherence to treatment and social reintegration.

To be a leading project in integrative therapies in cancer and health education.

General Objective

To implement integrative therapies through laughter therapy to provide affective support to cancer patients, family members and health personnel.

Objetivos Específicos

  • To organize trainings for students, health professionals and the general public to develop skills in laughter therapy.
  • To make hospital visits providing support to patients and families in oncology units.
  • To carry out out visits to homes and shelters applying laughter therapy.
  • To coordinate social interaction activities with other groups for the development of integrative therapies.

Proyectos LUCC